Report Internship or FT Job Offer

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Please let us know who you are:

Update Your Internships

According to our records, you plan to graduate in $ANTICPATED_GRAD_TERM. Do you need to update that?
An Internship may be paid or unpaid and may be for credit or not for credit. A student's work on their own start-up business qualifies as an Internship if it meets the other stated criteria.

We believe you have had an internship with the following company(ies):

Internship #1
Please tell us more about your Internship(s). Please fill out the following details for each internship you completed or plan to complete (meaning you have been hired to start soon).

Internship #2

Internship #3

Summer Leadership Programsā€ƒ

Please tell us more about your Summer Leadership Program(s). Please fill out the following details for each program you participated in.
SLP #1

SLP #2

SLP #3

SLP #4

SLP #5

Your dedicated Leeds Career Development Industry Coaching team is here to support you along your career journey. Please visit us for assistance with any of the following:

  • Career Exploration & Career Resources
  • General career search strategy/advice
  • Resume/Cover Letter
  • LinkedIn
  • Interview Prep (we know what types of questions certain companies like to ask!)
  • Networking
  • Salary Negotiations/Weighing multiple offers
  • And more!!!
Schedule your appointment here.